Saturday 20 October 2012

78 Days of Tarot ~ The Fool

Merry Meet, 

Welcome to my first *78 Days of Tarot* post. 

For this project I will be using my brand new deck, "Witchy Tarot" by Ellen Dugan. I had this brought for me for my birthday a few weeks ago. I've used them a few times for readings for myself and have found them to be highly accurate. 

Let's get on with the post then and save the chit-chat for later! 


The Fool - Card 0 

Keywords: Journey, New Beginnings, Adventures, Ideas, Taking a chance, 

The Fool to me has always meant a new beginning, a journey perhaps more of a personal soul searching journey rather than a physical "lets get in a car or jump on plane" kinda journey (although if you're lucky that might be just the journey you're going on!). 

I love the symbolism of 'The Fool', the delicate white rose symbolizing the purity of the soul embarking upon the journey, the innocent gaze skyward symbolizing that old "not a care in the world" feeling and attitude, the cute doggy who is trying to warn us, but whom we are oblivious to. 

At first when I learnt about the Dogs warning, I thought that whenever this card came up it meant that you should be really careful and that perhaps it wasn't a good card. I've since learnt from personal experience that it's more a case of not letting yourself be too stupid and naive. This message extends when you look and see the Soul who is very close to the edge of the cliff... 

This card also can mean that you should be embracing new opportunities and ideas that are floating your way right now. New job? New Home? New romance? Perhaps there is something you'd like to try? This card can be a sign to say that you should "Go For It!!" 

The message from The Fool : Be careful on your journey, enjoy it and embrace all it has to offer you, learn from the mistakes, embrace the tears and smiles, but don't be silly enough to fall off the edge of the cliff. Be aware, remain balanced, and most of all, STAY SAFE upon your journey. Call upon the Lord & Lady to bless and protect your pathway ahead. 


I hope you have enjoyed my interpretation of The Fool, look out for tomorrow's entry where we shall travel to meet The Magician. 

Blessed Be, 

xx HedgeWitch @ Home xx

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